Belrose Scout Group Committee
An important element of any Scout Group is the Group Support Committee.
Group Support Committee meetings are usually held quarterly and details of our next meeting can be found in the event calendar; all parents and other community minded friends are welcome to attend. Our Committee provides back-up to the uniformed leaders to ensure the Group is compliant with regulations, the Group facilities are up to standard and there is enough financing to support the activities of the Group.
The Committee has a number of office bearers who are elected each year and include the Group Chairperson, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Hall Custodian, Fundraising Coordinator, Equipment Officer, Working bee coordinator and Public Relations.
Once per year, usually in March or April, an AGM is held to review the activities of the Group for the year, approve the audited financial statements and elect the office bearers for the new year. This gives parents the chance to also get themselves updated on our activities of the Group.
Group Support Committee meetings are usually held quarterly and details of our next meeting can be found in the event calendar; all parents and other community minded friends are welcome to attend. Our Committee provides back-up to the uniformed leaders to ensure the Group is compliant with regulations, the Group facilities are up to standard and there is enough financing to support the activities of the Group.
The Committee has a number of office bearers who are elected each year and include the Group Chairperson, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Hall Custodian, Fundraising Coordinator, Equipment Officer, Working bee coordinator and Public Relations.
Once per year, usually in March or April, an AGM is held to review the activities of the Group for the year, approve the audited financial statements and elect the office bearers for the new year. This gives parents the chance to also get themselves updated on our activities of the Group.
The commiteeBelrose Group Leader: Mark B
Chairperson: Rachel P Deputy Chairperson: Secretary: Annemarie L Treasurer & Assets: Michelle R Trustees: Mark & Priscilla B & Sally A |
Fundraising: Annemarie L, Priscilla B Maintenance / Grounds: Kevin P Hall Cleaning Roster: Hall Hire: Michelle R Website: Prue M |